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    EN 388 4121X
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    EN 407 X1XXXX

G-Tek® 3RX™

Seamless Knit Recycled Plastic Glove with Sandy Nitrile Coated on Palm & Fingers



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Ideal for handling and assembly of parts and materials, equipment maintenance and repair, parts cleaning, and fastening and anchoring.

  • High abrasion resistance and great comfortability.
  • Provides excellent dexterity and flexibility. Super comfortable for long time wear. Fully breathable.
  • Gauge : 13
  • Liner : Polyester made with plastic bottles recycled
  • Coating : Sandy Nitrile
  • Coating coverage : Palm & fingertips
  • The gloves is made of an ultralight weight liner offering both high resistance to torsion and unmatched breathability.
  • 50% of recycled fiber (gloves weight - RCS)
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions per pair : 55 gram
Performance Data
  • EN 388 2016 Results: 4121X
  • Abrasion: 4Cut (Coupe Test): 1Tear: 2Puncture: 1Cut (TDM-100 Test): XImpact Protection:

EN 388 is a European Standard. Cut Level is determined by the number of cycles it takes a spinning circular blade, that is pulled across the material under a constant weight of 500 grams, to cut the fabric. As the number of cycles increase, so does the glove's ratings. Click here for more information about the EN 388 2016 standard.

  • Protective Gloves Against Thermal Hazards: X1XXXX
  • Resistance to Flammability: XContact Heat Resistance: 1Convective Heat Resistance: XRadiant Heat Resistance: XResistance to Small Splashes of Molten Metal: XResistance to Large Splashes of Molten Metal: X

EN 407 is a general European standard designed to be used for any glove that is to be sold as providing protection against thermal hazards. All six tests are graded on a scale from 0 to 4, with 0 signifying that the glove failed the test, and 4 demonstrating it has achieved the maximum resistance in that specific area.

SKU & Packaging Information
SKU Color Size UPC Stock Type
  • Country of Origin: China
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